Thats right, Hildee is hurt again. This time the neighbor dog was not involved. No dogs were involved at all.
Rogue and I decided we were going to go for a nice quad ride down the road. Well, Hildee also wanted to come along, but there is no room for her on the quad so like any normal dog she ran along side of us. Unfortunetly, the trip was a little to harsh for Hildee's fragile old body. We got to the end of our road on the corner of Adams and 72nd and Hildee called it quits. She walked down into the ditch and laid down. Luckily, it was about time for Katy to be getting home from work so I called her and told her she needs to pick up Hildee because she would not fit on the quad and she was not going to move on her own.
Once we got her back home in the Jeep, Katy examined hildee and found that all four of her pads were worn completely off. Ouch!! I guess I worked her too hard. Anyway, for the next two days hildee would not leave the bed or couch. We catered to her every need. You can see in the picture we wheeled her out in the wagon to go to the bathroom and we brought food and water to her on a regular basis.
You gotta take care of your dog. Especially, if their injury is your fault.