The Shadow Hawks took flight for the third year in a row (left Thursday night June 24). This time with more people than ever. With 12 riders we doubled the amount of people that attended the first year. All of the original six (Chris Malda, Marty Hulst, Terry Prins, Beaver, Kurt Kuyser, and Me) were present. And Larry Stob who joined us on the second year was there. The rookies were Vern Dryer, Jack, John Buursma, Rick Van Bragt, and Mark Reitsma. This year we headed up to the Macinaw Bridge. We made a quick stop in St. Ignace because their annual car show was going on.
The ride went very smooth thanks to Marty's fine navagation Skills. He had the entire trip plotted out on his GPS unit. But even with everything planned perfectly you can't avoid the occassional rear ending. The only two bikes that were not Honda's got into an accident. Beavers Kawasaki smashed into the back of Buursma's Yamaha. Now thats Karma considering the name of the group was derived from the original six memebers Honda bikes (Shadows and Night Hawks). We all learned a valuable lesson. Give Beaver plenty of riding space. 
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