Sunday Bryan and I decided to pick grapes on the back side of our property. Since our bridge to get across the creek is out we had to take the long way back. Everything was going fine and we harvested 2 5 gallon buckets of grapes to make jelly. On our way back this happened:

The neighbor dogs decided they didn't want us going that way home. One started the fight which wasn't too intense until the second dog came and attacked Hildee from the side. Bryan and I dropped her off this morning at the vet. I can't believe how anxious I was the whole time she was there. This was the first time she has stayed at the vet without me there. I can't imagine what it would be like having a human child in the hospital. I'll be a wreck! Now she sporting a nice hair cut and stitches here and there. Poor dog.
Are you serious? Poor Hildee! Do the neighbors know what happened? I think they should pay your vet bill...
Awww...poor Hildee. That's too bad that happened. Now you aren't going to want to let her just run around outside. I hope you are going to talk to the neighbor's. Good luck and tell Hildee to feel better :-)
Oh my goodness. Those are some majors bites. I would be pretty upset with those dogs. Poor Hildee.
Aww, poor Hildee! This makes me very sad, Hildee is seriously the best big dog ever. :( Pretty ridiculous of those dogs to gang up on her. Too bad she didn't have her cousins, Macie and Ellie to help fight off the bad dogs. They could have done some serious damage... or not. Hope she is doing better!
Wow!! Poor Hildee......I am glad that Hildee handled it and they didn't attack you! Hope she is feeling better.
Gotta love neighbors who let mean dogs wander. They shouldn't be allowed to keep them!
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