Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Home Sweet Home

It seems like a lot has happend since we posted last, sorry!! Its amazing how busy a little one can keep you.
We got home Saturday and have been loving it! I don't get a whole lot of sleep at night but I guess thats to be expected. However, I did get two 4 hour stretches last night and woke up feeling like a new person.
Rogue is doing very good. She is a little jaundice so we have been going in to the hospital for blood draws every day to make sure her bilirubin level is decreasing, which it has each time but it goes down just by a little. She handles the pokes in her heel much better than mom and dad do!


Anonymous said...

Awww....she is so cute!

Brink Boys said...

Adorable, absolutely adorable! 4 hours, holy crap, that is awesome!!!

Anonymous said...

Look at that big Mam on that tiny face!
There's something about 4 hour stretches.

Little's said...

4 hours that is great! What a good little girl!

Anonymous said...

she is just so cute! what a little lady! i can't wait to meet her!

Tripp said...

She has changed already!

Robin said...

nice work on the pacifier dude - i bet she's a new person!