October 21, 2010. Chad turns 29 and gives me a present.
We met in the bank parking lot at 5:30pm. I gave Chad an ear piece for his phone as a birthday present (really more of a present for me and dad), and then we had the normal discussion of who is going to sit where. We decided a flip was in order. No one had a coin on them so we flipped the doberman keychain I had on my car keys. Head up, I go to the top stand (hotspot); head down, I go to the lower stand. The head was down so I went out to the lower stand.
About an hour went by and 4 deer came in from the south. Two button bucks came in right under my stand and the two doe that were with them were a little more reluctant to come in. They stood about 70 yards out watching with their noses in the air. After about 10 minutes of me being in statue mode hoping these deer didn't bust me, they turned around and walked off.
No more than 10 minutes later, I heard a bunch of commotion across the creek. It looked like a buck was chasing some doe around (I assume the same doe I had seen earlier). I heard them crash across the river and seen the buck start heading up toward Chad. The entire time Chad and I were in communication on our nextels. Chad told me the deer was coming back down toward me and sure enough, there it was coming straight at me from the north.
It got to the same spot I shot my turkey this fall (25 yards) and I shot. It arched its back up and just kept walking. It came into another opening at 25 yards and I managed to shoot it again. After finding the deer 50 yards from my stand, we noticed one shot was double lung and the other was a gut shot. I'm not sure which was the first and which was the second, but it doesn't matter to me. I got my first 8 point deer!!
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Birthday Buck
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 6:17 AM 4 comments
Sunday, October 17, 2010
I Love Fall Hunting
Tuesday, October 12, I went out deer hunting at the bank, and in no more than a half hour of sitting in the lower treestand, I found myself surrounded by turkies. The biggest one of the group presented itself at 25 yards and I decided to take the shot. It's not what I hoping for, but it's meat on the table. I only seen two deer later that night. One was a button buck and the other was a fawn.
Thursday, October 14, I was heading out with all intentions of sitting in the lower stand at the bank. On the way out there, I heard a bunch of noise coming from the "hotspot" stand. Thinking it was deer, I went to investigate. It turned out that it was just a bunch of squirrels, but since I was already over there I figured I would sit there for the night.
At about 7:30pm, when it was getting dark and I had pretty much given up hope of seeing anything, this 3pt half rack came walking in on the hill behind me chasing some doe's around. I quick changed my pin to 30 yards, and just before he walked in to the woods behind me, he gave me a perfect 30 yard shot, and even though it was hard to see through my peep site with the diminishing light, I managed to get a double lung shot in.
Chad came to help track him,and we found a good blood trail. About 150 yards later, there he was. It was an exciting night!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 7:12 AM 1 comments
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Bow Hunting Seasons Here!!
It has been a pretty good start to the 2010 bow hunting season, kinda. What I mean by kinda is that there have already been two deer that were never found. I shot a doe behind my house in early doe season and had a great blood trail until it got to the cornfield. And my brother and I both shot one opening morning at the bank. I shot a doe (from the hotspot) and he shot a spike (in the lower stand). Chad's shot was pretty decent and we had a good blood trail for a while and my shot was one that I should have not taken. That is all the detail I will give you on that.
On October 2, Saturday night, Chad shot this 3 point and it didn't go more than 60 yards. He was sitting in the hotspot at the bank.
The very next morning, Sunday October 3, I sat in the same stand and shot this doe. The doe came in from the north with 3 other deer (2 fawns and another doe) and walked right under my treestand. Once they were to the south of me about 20 yards, I made some noise to get her to turn broadside and give me a shot (so I didn't make the same mistake I did on opening day). She turned just enough and I put it right behind her shoulder.
If two deer from the same stand in consecutive days isn't enough, my dad's friend from work sat in the hotspot on Monday night, October 4, and shot an eight point. I guess you know why it's called the hotspot.(Bob's on the left and Chad's on the right)
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 4:57 PM 1 comments