Rogue's first visit with Santa Claus aka Grandpa Koeman. Grandpa has been gone trucking since Rogue was born and then with the weather he hasn't been able to see her until today. That's one cute Christmas present if you ask me!
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Merry Christmas
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 4:50 PM 3 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Home Sweet Home
It seems like a lot has happend since we posted last, sorry!! Its amazing how busy a little one can keep you.
We got home Saturday and have been loving it! I don't get a whole lot of sleep at night but I guess thats to be expected. However, I did get two 4 hour stretches last night and woke up feeling like a new person.
Rogue is doing very good. She is a little jaundice so we have been going in to the hospital for blood draws every day to make sure her bilirubin level is decreasing, which it has each time but it goes down just by a little. She handles the pokes in her heel much better than mom and dad do!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 10:37 AM 7 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
The Hospital Stay
Here is a slide show of Rogue's Hospital stay.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 10:35 AM 5 comments
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Bath Time
Here is a video of Rogue's first bath. I think she handled it pretty well. I am just hoping that she will behave this well for us when we are trying to bath her. We are planning on being here at the hospital until Saturday so anybody is welcomed to come visit. It gets kind of boring here but there are benefits to it. For example, I don't have to change any diapers and Katy is being weighted on hand and foot.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 8:47 AM 4 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
RMK Is Finally Here!!!
Well, it seems like its been a long time coming, but Krack Baby is finally here. We went to the hospital Tuesday evening (12/9) at 5:00 pm. There were no changes since our visit last week (shocker). So at about 6:30pm Katy recieved a pill of Citotech hoping that it would cause some dialation. She was checked at 11:00pm again and there were still no chages. Needless to say, we were getting very frustrated. Katy was administered another pill to help induce dialation. Finally, at 3:15am the doctor checked the progress one more time and as you can guess there was no change. At this point Katy and I decided we were going to go with a C-section. The doctor agreed that it was a good decision and we were scheduled for 6:00am on Wendsday 12/10. The surgery went great and Rogue McKenzie Kraker was born at 6:23am. She weighed 8 pounds 5 ounces and was 20.5 inches long.
P.S. Mom and baby are doing good and dad didn't faint!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 7:38 AM 9 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Last night Bryan and I had the pleasure of meeting our newest nephew, Jace H. Velderman. You can read more about him over at The Veldermans. He is a big boy!!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 10:01 AM 4 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Non-Stress Test
This afternoon I went in for a non-stress test since I am one week past my due date. Thankfully everything checked out normally and I got to see little Krack baby on the ultrasound. It was kind of neat to see her again. I'll see if Bryan will update the blog later with her picture. I don't know how to scan it in.
I'm not sure what the next step is yet. Jimmy is supposed to call me either today or Monday to see where we go from here. Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 1:36 PM 9 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Her story....this far
As most of you know I was at the hospital yesterday (and today) to be induced. Tuesday morning I had what I had hoped to be my last pre-natal doctors appointment. Everything looked good yet except I still wasn't dilated. So Jimmy and I made the decision that it was time to force her out. I guess she had different plans.
I was submitted to the hospital around 12:00p.m. As soon as I was in my room and hooked up to monitors they inserted a pill behind my cervix to help dilate it. The pill works up to 4 hours, so after the first 4 hours I was checked and the pill had softened the cervix but not dilated it. So it was on to the next dose and another 4 hours. After the next 4 hours there still wasn't much change but I was having regular contractions so I couldn't have another pill. This now brings us to approximately 11:00p.m. Around 2:00 a.m. I was checked again and still no change. The nurse came back around 2:30a.m. with orders from Jimmy to start a low dose of pitocin to see if that would help things along. I was on pitocin from about 2:30a.m. till 12:30p.m. with no luck. My contractions never got much stronger despite how much pitocin I was getting and my cervix never dilated. When Jimmy checked me for the last time and found that there was no change he gave me three options. I could go home and come back another day, stop the pitocin and start the cervix pills again, or have a c-section. As much as I wanted to hold my baby girl I figured it would be best to wait and since we were both doing fine decided not to go with the c-section. So I'm home, still waiting.
Here's hoping that I go back soon.
Feel free to ask questions. I'm tired frustrated and dirty but I think I covered most of the story. Sorry to keep you all waiting.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 11:13 AM 15 comments
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
39 1/2 weeks
Still nothing on the baby front. No change. I'm getting a bit frustrated over here. It sucks just waiting. Everything checked out good though so I shouldn't complain but I'm ready to be done. I go back to the doctor next Tuesday and if there is still no change of even if there is change we will discuss the next step to get this kid out of my uterus!! Everyone say a little prayer that I don't make it to my next appointment.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 7:07 AM 8 comments
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Who Goes Fishing During Deer Hunting Season?
The steelhead are in the Kalamazoo River! I felt it was about time to get a fish blog out there again. I know you guys have been missing it.
My neighbor Ted and I decided to go out fishing last Monday morning and it actually turned out to be quite a productive morning. While driving out to the river, I couldn't help but think to myself, "why am I waking up early to go sit in the cold and go fishing when I could be out in the woods waiting for a deer". Well, it turned out to be well worth missing a morning of deer hunting. We had two poles with Hot'n'Tots on them and two poles sporting one year old steelhead spawn that I tied while trolling up the river. The first two hits were on the spawn sacks and got us excited, but we reeled them in to find that they were just catfish (exciting and fun, but not what we were hoping for). The next two hits produced the two steelhead you see in the picture. They were also on the spawn sacks. Not the biggest steelhead, but they will taste just fine. Finally, we got one more hit, this time on a Hot'N'Tot. It turned out to be a nice size smallmouth bass. All in all, in was a fun morning.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 8:47 PM 4 comments
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
I had my doctors appointment early this week since Jimmy will be gone Thursday and Friday of this week. Again, there is nothing to report. Absolutely no change. Yippee. Looks like I'm in this for the long haul. At least I sleep great.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 8:57 AM 5 comments
Friday, November 14, 2008
38 weeks
Well, no big news to report. I had another appointment this morning and there is no change other than the baby is lower. Still not dialated, still not effaced. Shucks! I've been feeling a lot more contractions this week so I thought there might be a chance I was dilated. Jimmy did do a weight check this morning and said she was weighing in at about 6lbs right now and should gain about 1/2lb a week until she makes her appearance. Lets just hope she comes soon.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 5:51 AM 6 comments
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Almost 37 weeks
Another doctors appointment today but unfortunately there is no big change for me to report to everyone today. Her heartbeat was a little slower this week at 137bpm instead of 150. All systems go according to Jimmy but I'm not dialated so it could be awhile yet. I'll leave you with this beautiful shot of my belly I took this morning.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 8:41 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Since its getting closer to D day I thought it would be fun to see everyones guesses on when we might get to meet our new little (or big)bundle. Just click on the link below to enter your guess.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 5:45 AM 4 comments
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Almost 35 weeks
We had another doctors appointment this morning. Everything still looks good. Krack baby is head down so that's a step in the right direction. Her heartbeat was at 150 again. She likes to be consistent I guess. I've also had some leg cramping at night so I asked Jimmy about that and he recommended calcium supplements, not just drinking more milk, other than that I really can't complain too much although I am getting a little sick of being pregnant. It would be nice not having to go to the bathroom every 2-3 hours every night but as soon as that stops I will be up feeding a baby and I'm sure that takes a little bit longer than a trip to the toilet. I have another appointment in 2 weeks then I start my weekly visits. Hopefully at the next one they tell me I'm dilated and I don't have strep B!!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 8:20 AM 6 comments
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
She's Famous!
Well, kind of. Visit here and see my precious 4 legged daughter. My brother-in-law took that picture last Christmas I believe. Thanks Andrew for making her famous.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 11:27 AM 6 comments
Friday, October 10, 2008
33 weeks
Just a quick update on how our doctor appointment went this morning. Everything went fine nothing abnormal. I'm didn't measure big this time so maybe Krack baby won't be a monster. I was pretty excited about that. Her heart beat was going strong at her usual 150 bpm. I go back in another 2 weeks then after that its weekly with internal exams. Woo hoo!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 6:09 AM 4 comments
Monday, October 6, 2008
Hildee Claire
This is Hildee demanding to be petted. Every once in a while if you stop petting her she throws this little "tantrum". She's not spoiled at all.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 6:18 PM 5 comments
Thursday, September 25, 2008
30 almost 31 weeks
I had my 30 week doctors appointment this morning so I thought I would give you all a quick update. Nothing really exciting other than my weight stayed the same from two weeks ago so I was pretty excited about that. At my last appointment I had gained 4 pounds in two weeks so I really didn't want to keep that pace for very long. I am measuring a bit big today I was measuring about 31-32 weeks along. I have been feeling really good lately and I sleep extremely well. I can't believe I only have about 9 more weeks to meet this little princess!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 9:02 AM 8 comments
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
New Wheels
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 7:01 AM 6 comments
Monday, September 8, 2008
Neighborly Love
Sunday Bryan and I decided to pick grapes on the back side of our property. Since our bridge to get across the creek is out we had to take the long way back. Everything was going fine and we harvested 2 5 gallon buckets of grapes to make jelly. On our way back this happened:

The neighbor dogs decided they didn't want us going that way home. One started the fight which wasn't too intense until the second dog came and attacked Hildee from the side. Bryan and I dropped her off this morning at the vet. I can't believe how anxious I was the whole time she was there. This was the first time she has stayed at the vet without me there. I can't imagine what it would be like having a human child in the hospital. I'll be a wreck! Now she sporting a nice hair cut and stitches here and there. Poor dog.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 9:07 AM 6 comments
Friday, September 5, 2008
After sitting through 3 hours of blood draws and having to watch Dora the Explorer my glucose tolerance test came back normal! Yay for no diabetes.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 1:13 PM 4 comments
Monday, September 1, 2008
Near Completion
We did it. The nursery is now nearing completion. I started painting Friday night but it was a lot more work than I thought it would be. I guess being 7 months pregnant makes things a little more difficult. I put the final coat on Sunday morning while Bryan went for a cruise on his motocycle with a friend. When he came back I put him to work putting the crib together. Looks like Bryan just needs to build the dresser/changing table and I need to get the glider in the room with some wall hangings and we will be all set. Now we just have to wait for Krack baby!

Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 7:06 PM 8 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Glucose schmoocose
Well I had my 27 week doctors appointment today with the glucose tolerance test. I failed, but just barely. If I have to go through all that bloodwork I would have liked to fail a little bit better. I guess your glucose level can be up to 141 and mine was 144. So be thinking of me next Thursday when I have to sit through 3 hours of bloodwork. The rest of my appointment went well so I'm happy about that. Krack babys heartbeat was 148 and she kicked through the whole thing. Since I'm entering my last trimester I know go to the doctor every 2 weeks. Its kind of exciting to be talking about labor signs now and if she was born right now she would have a 90% survival rate. I rather like those odds!
I will leave you know with some before pictures of the nursery. This is my project for this weekend. As you can see I started taping the trim off. Tonight I hope to pick up the paint and possibly start painting. We have a very busy weekend but my goal is to have it painted with the crib set up by Monday come hell or high water as my mother says.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 12:11 PM 7 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
As most of you know when you are pregnant certain things just slip your mind. Today I did two very dumb things.
I had to change my clothes at work because I decided to wear a dress this morning and forgot I had a breast feeding class tonight that started at 6 (thanks Bryan for bringing me a change of clothes). So I was in the bathroom and had gotten out of my dress and into my shirt. Before I put my pants on I decided I should go to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet and thought huh, this is weird. Luckily I figured out that I had forgotten to pull my underwear down. At least I didn't start to go before I figured that out.
Every night I take my prenatal vitamins before I go to bed. Hildee also gets her pill for incontinence at this time. No, I didn't take the dogs pills but if Hildee is pregnant or lactating she should be good on her vitamins for a day!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 7:14 PM 4 comments
Monday, August 18, 2008
Preggo Feet
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 6:54 PM 3 comments
Monday, August 4, 2008
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 1:54 PM 5 comments
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Take over? and Krack baby update
Since Bryan has done all the hard work in setting up the blog and so faithfully blogged I thought I would join in the fun. I'm not sure I'll be any better at posting than him, but can I be any worse?
Just thought I would give an update on Krack baby. We had our 22 week appointment with Jimmy this morning. We went over the results of the ultrasound and all came back good. I was measuring at 22cm which is right on for 22 weeks. Jimmy and I also discussed the question about our due date. According to him and the internet my due date is November 29 and according to the ultrasound its December 6. Since that's exactly a week difference he decided not to change it but to play it by ear. So that means if I go over due he won't induce me for awhile unless there is medical reason. I then informed him of the Kraker baby's being 10 pounders. So I guess we will see what November brings.
Sorry there are no fun pictures with this post. I'm hoping I can scan in some ultrasound pics. Some of you have asked for belly shots too. I have only taken two so far, and I'm pretty self conscious about how big I am so we will see about posting them.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 10:24 AM 7 comments
Labels: baby
Monday, June 9, 2008
Watery Weekend
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 9:14 AM 8 comments
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
A Nice Day To Play On The River
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 10:04 AM 9 comments
Monday, April 7, 2008
Sucker Fishing Success
It was a great weekend for sucker fishing in the Black River. Not only were the fish biting but the weather was warm and the sun was shinning, and when you put those two things together you get a perfect day to sit next to the river, drink some beer, and spend some quality time with your buddies. It’s what makes spring such a great time of year. Now I know that sucker aren’t the most desired fish to catch (as you can see from the pic), but it’s not about what kind of fish that your catching; it’s about the fact that your catching fish and having a great time doing it. Shooter (the other guy I was fishing with) said it best when he said, “you know your doing well when your fish to beer ratio is equal”.
This has been a salute to spring time; the gateway to summer!
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 6:18 PM 5 comments
5K update
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 5:54 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 3, 2008
5K goal
Name | City | State | Zip | |||||||||||||
Kraker, Bryan![]() ![]() | Holland | MI | 49423 | |||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 1:34 PM 11 comments
Monday, March 31, 2008
Fishing the Kalamazoo River
The only luck that I've had was this fall up by the Hamilton dam. You can see one of the many salmon I caught.
Posted by Bryan and Katy Kraker at 2:59 PM 7 comments